
November 05, 2012

Click on the following link to view a copy of correspondance addressed to the Standing Committee on Finance.

JD-let-Standing Committee on Finance and Brief 2012-10-19

November 05, 2012
The 2013 Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers / Association Canadienne des Avocats du Mouvement Syndical (CALL / ACAMS) will be held from Thursday, June 6 through Sunday June 9 inclusive in Banff, Alberta.

Further details concerning the agenda and the events will follow as soon as possible.
Please mark your calendars. 



May 28, 2012

Are you interested in the international work of CALL-ACAMS? The International Labour Rights Committee (ILRC) invites CALL-ACAMS members who would like to join the ILRC to complete the member survey/membership form, which sets out the ILRC's mission statement and will allow us to inventory the skills and experience of ILRC members. For current ILRC members who filled out a survey previously, please send us any updated information if there has been any change.

You are also invited to attend the ILRC meeting at the CALL-ACAMS conference in Quebec City. The meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 15, at 4:30 p.m. (check the conference program for further details). There will be an election for Executive Committee members this year, since elections are biennial and were held in 2010. 

Completed surveys can be returned to the ILRC at the Quebec City conference or by e-mail to


May 25, 2012

A copy of correspondence forwarded to Premier Charest re: Bill 78

     Bill 78 - Quebec

     Loi 78 - Quebec

May 10, 2012

I take this opportunity to provide a quick update regarding CALL's involvement with Bill C-377.  We have received a number of emails from members inquiring as to what action CALL is taking in relation to the Bill.

As you are aware, the Bill is a Private Member's Bill that is portrayed as an amendment to The Income Tax Act.  Upon reading the Bill it is quite obvious this has nothing or little to do with income taxation but has everything to do with union busting.  We know a number of organizations will be filing briefs in relation to the Bill and seeking status to appear at the hearings.  At present, I believe the Bill has received second reading and has been referred to committee (which in this case is the Standing Committee on Finance).  To my knowledge no dates have yet been set for the Committee to hear representations, but the same could occur as early as May.

The Bill contains a great number of provisions aimed at weakening unions and making information available to employers and others who may seek to take advantage of what ought to be confidential information, including disbursements on labour relations, political, lobbying, organizing, collective bargaining, education and training activities   Most importantly to CALL, the Bill also demands disclosure of statement of disbursement on legal activities. This of course strikes to the heart of solicitor client privilege and confidentiality.  The length of submissions allowed is limited, I believe we will be primarily making our submission aimed at the issues of breach of the right to privacy and solicitor client privilege / confidentiality. 

We have spoken with both the CLC and Canadian Foundation for Labour Rights and intend to collaborate with them in their representations concerning the Bill.  Further, we intend to petition support from the Canadian Federation of Law Societies and the Canadian Bar Association, who I believe should share the same concerns we have with the Bill.

At present, we have an ad hoc committee comprised of Sheila Greene and myself.  We hope to add a couple of more members to ensure appropriate regional representation.  We intend to keep the committee small, so that we are able to react as quickly as necessary.

We hope to be filing our materials with the committee shortly.  We will keep you up to date as matters proceed.

Drew S. Plaxton