Message from the International Labour Rights Committee

The ILRC has been working with partners organizations outside of Canada to support labour rights, practicing labour lawyers and the international labour movement for decades.

The ILRC is inviting all CALL members interested in supporting international labour rights to join the ILRC for the upcoming year. To those who are already members, please confirm your continued participation. 

As mentioned in our business meeting on June 1, 2021 and under our revised Terms of Reference, we need to confirm ILRC membership by July 1st of each year. This will assist us in running an effective committee and ensuring all those who want to participate can do so.

There are several interesting and important ILRC initiatives in the coming year, and we are looking forward to increasing ILRC numbers and member engagement to best support them.

Please email the current co-directors (Marie-Claude St-Amant: or Mario Torres: confirming your interest in becoming or remaining a part of the ILRC by July 1, 2021.

We will schedule a meet and greet for the middle of July with our first formal meeting in September.

We look forward to hearing from you!